To purchase any of IAOMT's Official Certifications, you must be an IAOMT member.
If you are already a member of the IAOMT you can purchase the SMART Course, Biological Dental Hygiene Accreditation Course, or the Accreditation Course. If you are not a member of the IAOMT, click this link to join. Once you are a member of the IAOMT you can come back and purchase the named courses above. All other courses offered on our elearning platform are open to both the public and IAOMT members and CE credit can be obtained. Upon purchasing any course, our elearning website will create a brand new username and password that is unique to this platform and you will receive confirmation to the email address you provided during puchase. If members want to take the RDH courses for CE at a discount, be sure to go back to the webinar list in the IAOMT memberclicks website and click the link to purchase (as it will have the discount applied).
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